
The Guide to Winter Wellness
A New Resolution By Alexander Germanis As we approach the end of one year and the start of a new, certain things are inevitable

How Do Hearing Aids Work?
By Laura Schroeder, AuD The very first hearing aids were ear trumpets. Users would hold the small end of the trumpet to their ear and

Health by the Numbers
Muscle Atrophy By Alexander Germanis Just two months after turning 12, I was hit by a car at the close of the summer.

Navigating Life With Crohn’s and Colitis
Exploring Local Stories of Strength and Support Submitted by Mississippi Valley Endoscopy Center For millions of people living with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis,

What Are Some Safe Ways to Deal With Earwax?
By Alexandra Carmichael, AuD Earwax, also known as cerumen, is naturally produced in the ear canal. A certain amount of earwax is healthy and plays

Understanding & Managing Myofascial Pain
Do you have pain symptoms that include: Aching, throbbing, tight, or stiff muscle pain? Trigger points (small knots in your muscles that hurt when they

Staying Healthy This Cold and Flu Season
Simple Tips to Protect Yourself Submitted by Mississippi Valley Surgery Center As the leaves change color and temperatures drop, another season is upon

I Hear You.
I Know What Keeps You Up at Night. By Heidi Huiskamp Collins, Founder and CEO of Huiskamp Collins Investments, LLC You might already work with

Understanding & Managing Myofascial Pain
Do you have pain symptoms that include: Aching, throbbing, tight, or stiff muscle pain? Trigger points (small knots in your muscles that hurt when they

Is Social Media Bringing You Down?
When it comes to your social media feed, do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a bad place? Do you even dread opening up

Smart Starts for a Healthy Heart
Skip added sugars with better-for-you beverages How you start your morning can impact the rest of your day. If you’re looking to incorporate healthier choices

What Are the Different Types of Hearing Aids?
By Alexandra Carmichael, Au.D. Picking the right hearing aid to meet your needs is an important part of the Hearing Aid Evaluation process. Hearing

Come Back Confident – Recovery at Plaza Physical Therapy
By Alexander Germanis In his 1888 work, Twilight of the Idols, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously wrote, “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”

Ultrasound-Guided Injections Enhancing Precision and Safety
Submitted by Vitality Physical Medicine Ultrasound-guided injections have emerged as a pivotal tool in treating various musculoskeletal conditions. By utilizing real-time imaging, ultrasound allows

How Do I Choose the Right Hearing Aid for Me?
By Margaret Christiansen, Au.D. There are many choices when it comes to selecting a hearing aid. The first step is to obtain a complete

Health by the Numbers
Numbers Men Need to Know By Alexander Germanis We men have an interesting acquaintance with numbers. Whether they’re in regard to engine displacement,

Mississippi Valley Surgery Center’s Director of Orthopaedic Surgery Retires After 38 Years in Orthopaedics
New Physicians to Continue Dr. John Hoffman’s Legacy in the Quad Cities Submitted by Mississippi Valley Surgery Center After a remarkable and distinguished career in

Ultrasound-Guided Joint Injections: Precise Pain Relief
Submitted by Vitality Physical Medicine Imagine a treatment that not only alleviates pain and inflammation but also enhances mobility with pinpoint accuracy. Ultrasound-guided joint