Submitted by Friendship Manor
According to Ann Austin, Board President of Friendship Manor, “It is common knowledge that it’s important for seniors to remain as mobile and active as possible.”
We are blessed to have Ann, who not only supports us as our president, but also as our fitness instructor. You may know her as a local educator, volunteer, or from her courses at Rock Island Fitness & Activity Center (RIFAC). She has a passion for wellness and fitness and has expanded her repertoire by obtaining certification in senior fitness.
Below are some fun and easy exercises shared by Ann that you can perform at home or while traveling, using only a chair and a few common items.
Exercise Routine 1
Items required: Pool noodle & chair
Begin seated in chair
- Place the noodle across the top of your legs and push down with your hands. Lift right knee up. Switch legs.
- Put noodle between your knees. Squeeze it and release it.
- Extend the noodle in your right hand straight out to the front. Kick it with right leg straight and then lower leg. Switch sides.
- Hold the noodle out in front with both hands on it. Turn to the right. Switch sides.
- Full sit-up, holding noodle above head in an arc and taking it down toward the floor.
- Put noodle in right hand. Lean over and take the noodle to the outside of the left leg. Sit back up. Switch sides.
Exercise Routine 2
Items required: Pool noodle & chair
Begin seated in chair, or standing, if preferred
- Push noodle to front from chest.
- Push noodle up and down from chest.
- Combine the two previous movements, pushing the noodle up and then out.
- Make large circles forward with noodle in your hands, about shoulder-width apart. Switch directions.
- With both hands on the noodle, about shoulder-width apart, lift the noodle from the front of your legs all the way overhead as you are able.
- Holding the noodle in the center in your right hand, lift it from your side overhead as you are able. Switch sides.
Hand Exercises
Items required: Stress balls & chair
Begin seated in chair, or standing, if preferred
- Grip ball, fingers straight. Squeeze and release the ball.
- Grip ball, fingers bent. Squeeze and release the ball.
- Pinch and release the ball between the thumb and index finger.
Want to live somewhere that supports your active lifestyle in retirement? Connect with the experts at Friendship Manor by calling (309) 786-9667 or visiting