By Mary Hayse, Licensed Esthetician, Infuse Skin and Body
Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, especially on the face, back, and chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules that result in scarring. It occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Severe and long-term acne can not only cause scarring but can also become psychologically damaging. There are many different treatments for different types of acne, but the earlier the treatment is started, the lower the risk of lasting physical and emotional damage. Listed below are the different types of acne.
Blackheads are a combination of oils, sebum, and cellular debris that produce firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. Blackheads are open to the skin’s surface and become dark due to exposure to oxygen. They are called open comedones. When bacteria are added to these blackheads, the condition can lead to acne.
Whiteheads are a combination of oils, sebum, and cellular debris that produce firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. They are closed from the skin’s surface by cellular debris at the follicle opening. Because they are closed and have no contact with oxygen they do not oxidize or turn brown, as blackheads do. They form a light or yellow-white lump and are called milia. When bacteria are added to these plugs, the condition can lead to acne, especially cystic acne.
Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris infections raise to papules and pustules, commonly referred to as pimples. A papule is a small elevated pimple containing no fluid, but which may develop pus. Pustules have an inflamed base and contain pus. With acne vulgaris, blackheads and whiteheads are also commonly present. Acne vulgaris can occur on the face, upper and lower back, and upper chest (also referred to as body acne). Some cystic conditions may occur.
Cystic Acne
A cyst forms when a follicle ruptures deep within the dermis. Oils and dead cells seep into the surrounding area. Cysts are characterized as large, hard and, often, painful lumps underneath the surface of the skin. As a cyst works its way to the surface, it destroys many live cells and will often leave permanent scars. In severe cases, a wall will form around the debris and medical treatment is needed to clear the condition.
Adult Acne
While adult acne and juvenile acne involve infections generated by the same bacteria, skin conditions can be very different requiring different forms of acne treatment. Factors that stimulate adult acne are frequently different than those of juvenile acne, acne vulgaris, cystic acne, blackheads, whiteheads, or milia.
Adult onset acne (acne that begins in the adult years) usually involves normal or combination skin or even dry and/or sensitive skin, rather than the oily skin that is typical of juvenile acne. Most acne products, however, are developed for juvenile acne and contain high concentrations of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, azelaic acid and other agents that can be excessively drying and potentially irritating to adult skin. Adult skin may not tolerate persistent use of these acne treatment agents and skin sensitivity may become problematic.
Acne Rosacea
Acne rosacea is a condition where papules and pustules are present in the areas of the face that are affected by rosacea. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that involves inflammation. It shows up as flushed skin, redness and broken capillaries. When breakouts (papules and pustules) are also present, it is referred to as acne rosacea. It is typically on the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead.
Acne rosacea is difficult to treat because it involves the treatment of two different conditions. Some of the ingredients used in many acne treatments are irritating and inflaming to the skin and may be especially irritating to the rosacea. Using these acne products may cause an acne rosacea flare-up, which in turn will stimulate or aggravate the acne.
There are many different treatments for acne, and each treatment should be tailored to the grade of acne and the individual person. When treating acne, diet and lifestyle also need to be addressed. In next month’s article I will address treatment options that are available and tips to help control acne.
The most important tip, however, is to leave your hands off of your face. By not doing so: you can introduce bacteria to blackheads and whiteheads, turning them into pustules; you can cause a pustule to erupt, creating cysts; and, you greatly increase your risk of permanent scarring.
Are you suffering from acne? Have you wanted to do something to make your skin look and feel better? Now you can! Make an appointment today at Infuse Skin and Body for a consultation to determine which skin care treatment is best for you. Call 309-691-5901 or visit
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