Greater Peoria Metro Area, IL

Working with the community... for a healthier community.

Teen Use of Synthetic Marijuana (aka Spice or K2) on the Rise


By Greg Skibinski, MA, LCPC, CADC, CSAT, CMAT, Executive Director, Agape Counseling, LTD

Progress is being made on the understanding of the damaging and harmful
effects of synthetic marijuana products, best known as “Spice” or “K2.”
This fake marijuana is an herbal mixture sprayed with chemicals intended
to create a “high” similar to smoking marijuana, according to the
National Institute on Drug Abuse. These products are marketed as
potpourri or incense, and labeled “not for human consumption.” Many
teens are choosing to consume these products at an alarming rate.
According to Science Daily, published October 2, 2013, Jeffery Moran and
colleagues note that synthetic marijuana is a significant public health
concern. One in 9 high school seniors admit to recent use. It was noted
that Spice is the second most popular drug after marijuana for many
American teens and young adults. It is more popular among boys than
girls. In 2012, nearly twice as many male 12th graders reported past
year use of synthetic marijuana as females in the same age group.

Why are teens turning to this? It is for the “high” they get from either
smoking or ingesting with food or drink. The popularity has increased
due to the effects it provides and that it is not easily detected in
standard drug tests due to the chemicals that are used. Today, the only
way to identify the compounds is through a blood test, which must be
performed before the effects of the drug wear off.

What effects does Spice have when consumed? Many users report effects
similar to those experienced with marijuana, such as altered perception,
relaxation, and elevated mood. However, some users also report
psychotic effects like extreme anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations.
There have been no scientific studies on the effects of the human brain
under the influence of Spice, but emergency departments across the
Unites States are seeing a rise in K2 related visits. Spice abusers
taken to Poison Control Centers report symptoms that include rapid heart
rate, vomiting, agitation, confusion, and hallucinations. Spice can
also raise blood pressure and cause reduced blood supply to the heart.
In a few cases, it has been associated with heart attacks. Addictive
symptoms and withdrawal effects have also been noted in regular users.
Since research is needed in this area, we still do not know the
short-and long-term impact of Spice on the health of humans or how toxic
it is.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have found that five of the
most common active chemicals in Spice are Schedule I controlled
substances; meaning they are illegal to buy, sell, or possess because of
their high potential for abuse and lack of accepted medical benefit.
However, the manufacturers are quick to evade legal restrictions by
substituting different chemicals in their mixtures. No two packages of
K2, or Spice, are really the same. In fact, each individual batch may
contain different chemicals, causing the effects to be different.

Concerned parents can approach the issue of Spice similarly to how they
would any other drug: educating themselves and having frank discussions
with teens are the keys to prevention. The message that our teens need
to hear is that by not knowing what they are putting into their body and
what the effects could be is like playing Russian roulette but with a

Does this article hit home with you?  We can help.  The Peoria office number is 309-692-4433.  Agape Counseling, LTDF, is a group of Christian counselors, social workers, psychologists, and support staff committed to a therapeutic process that ministers to the whole person.  Their Peoria office is located at 2001 W. Willow Knolls, Suite 110.  The Morton location is 75 E. Queenwood Road.