Greater Peoria Metro Area, IL

Working with the community... for a healthier community.

Living the Life You Want at Proctor Place


By Lori Lovely

If you have ever vacationed at an all-inclusive resort or on a luxury cruise, you will probably feel right at home in the amenity-laden atmosphere at Proctor Place, Peoria’s premiere life care retirement community for seniors who want the security of long-term care while they continue to live life to the fullest. Residents can take advantage of as many of the services as they want or need. There’s even a concierge service to assist with errands, sorting mail, and other tasks.

The main difference between Proctor Place and other retirement communities in Central Illinois, says Amy Durbin, Life Care
Planning Manager, is that Proctor Place is a “life care community.” Life care at Proctor Place means worry-free independent living plus guaranteed, unmatched health care for life.

“Residents are encouraged to continue their favorite activities such as playing golf, attending church, and doing volunteer work. Residents are free to spend their time doing the things they enjoy and leave all the work to us,” Durbin says.

Active Lifestyle
Residents can enjoy the activities offered at Proctor Place. An activities department ensures they have numerous options to keep them engaged and entertained onsite with gatherings such as book, baking, and writing clubs. Music programs include the Peoria Jazz All-stars, local community bands, Irish dancers, and other local performers.

Daily exercise programs are offered to keep residents healthy and active, with strength and balance programs on Fridays and easy yoga and balance twice a week. A large outdoor area features garden plots for those who have a passion for gardening.

More traditional activities — such as movie night, bingo, bridge, and Mah Jong — are offered as well. And for those who like to get out, shopping trips and outings to the theater, local businesses, and attractions appear regularly on the schedule.

Eat Up!
All apartments are furnished with a refrigerator, microwave, and kitchenette, making it convenient for residents to cook in their apartments, although they don’t have to. Three meals a day are included, as are full housekeeping and laundry service.

Proctor Place is one of the few retirement communities in the Peoria area to offer three separate dining options. To-go containers are available if residents prefer to eat in their rooms or just want to save left-overs for another time.

Proctor Place welcomes input from its residents for meal suggestions. The resident food committee works with Proctor Place’s executive chef and dietician to develop menus that will accommodate residents’ tastes and dietary needs. “We always have a wide variety of options available,” Durbin indicates.

No Place Like Home
Residents also have options when it comes to their new home. Proctor Place allows residents to customize their individual living spaces. “They can pick the cabinets and counter tops, paint color, and carpet,” Durbin lists.

What’s a home without your pets? We want new residents to feel right at home here,” Durbin explains, “and we know that for some people, there is no way to feel at home without their pet.”

Two of Proctor Place’s three distinct living areas allow pets: The Centennial Building, with large rooms and full kitchens, allows cats and The Garden View Apartments, with patios and garage spaces, permit small dogs and cats. The Heights, the most cost-effective and most centrally located is perfect for those who prefer a pet-free living option.

Companionship and Support

Durbin says they understand the importance of social interaction at Proctor Place: “Residents are happier and feel better.” Social activities contribute to a resident’s well-being, but Proctor Place also creates a welcoming environment for visits with family and friends. Lounge areas can be reserved and catering ordered for gatherings so residents can enjoy time with family and friends without all the hassle. For families who visit from far away, a guest room is available for rent.

Skilled nursing staff is available 24/7, with an in-room call system for emergencies. Transportation to medical appointments is provided.
“If and when they need it, our onsite nursing home is available,” Durbin notes. The 59-bed nursing home is conveniently located in the same building as the independent living apartments. “We know the importance of being close to your spouse during difficult health times and we understand this time together may be the most precious of all.” Durbin explains.

Proctor Place will be 109 years old in September. Its original 1906 building was downtown, but a move was made in 1976. Expansions in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s allowed them to improve services, update the facility, and add accommodations.

Several employees have worked at Proctor Place through some of those expansions and renovations. Durbin counts many employees with more than 30 years tenure. “There’s a lot of longevity in the staff at Proctor Place. We work very hard to create a family atmosphere for both the residents and the employees.” It is this warm, nurturing environment and a passion for their work that has resulted in such a dedicated team.

With residents’ ages ranging from 66 to 105, they enjoy living at Proctor Place because they’re able to lead the life they want, autonomous yet supported. “Our goal is to help residents stay independent as long as possible,” Durbin emphasizes. “The care provided at Proctor Place is genuine and goes far beyond the services and amenities we offer into a true relationship based on our focus to provide our residents with nothing but the best.”

By providing a cheerful environment with all-inclusive amenities, it’s almost like a permanent vacation.

For more information, contact Proctor Place at 309-566-4204 or visit them at 2724 W. Reservoir Blvd. in Peoria.