By Bonnie Harken, NCLC
Many seek help when they are going through difficulties in an important relationship. The emotional pain can be so intense that it hurts physically. Some have an authentic identity crisis. At the very least there is a fear of an uncertain future. The process of recovery and reflection can be agonizing but those who ignore this important work often repeat the same mistakes. Some of the contributing factors in unsuccessful relationships may include but are not limited to codependency, poor communication skills, and lack of healthy boundaries.
There are two types of boundaries: defining and protective. You determine your defining boundaries when you acknowledge your values and what needs come out of those values. Protective boundaries are often created through the treatment process.
Think of it in terms of your body: your skin pretty much does not change, except for aging through the years. It is the container that holds us together, and by which people recognize us. When people see you, they identify you through your appearance.
Now let’s think about your clothing. We wear clothing to protect us from the elements around us. We change our clothing according to seasonal weather, and how casual or formal the circumstances and elements around us are.
Our defining boundaries might change a little (but not that much) through the years, like our skin. Our protective boundaries may change based on the elements around us, like our clothing. You adjust them based on how safe you are. In some relationships, you may only need the emotional equivalency of shorts and a T-shirt; in others, you may need bomb-squad gear.
Set and keep your defining boundaries — your skin — as a permanent part of who you are; but allow some adjustments in your protective boundaries based on the amount of safety you need in a specific relationship.
You have to understand that the other person has a choice. Anyone at any time can reject your boundaries — you have to accept that reality. Your choice to have a boundary must be protected, and his/her choice to not agree with yours must also be protected.
For example, if your partner is refusing to recognize that his/her actions are destructive to you, it is essential to set a boundary around that behavior. If it is angry outbursts against you, you will need to explain that when an angry outburst happens, you will leave the room and, if you have to, leave the house until your partner recognizes how deeply his/her actions are hurting you. Your partner may not accept that boundary and get angrier and meaner. Your partner may decide to leave the relationship rather than change.
So is it worth it to set those boundaries? In a case like this, did the boundaries cause the breakup? The problem was not the boundaries; you did not leave your partner or your commitment to your partner. It was the partner who made the choice to leave; you did not force the partner out. Your partner’s dysfunctional behavior cannot be allowed to keep you from doing the right thing.
The point is this: your boundaries will create a space — a separation — between you and someone in your life. That person will have the choice to bridge the separation by making changes and becoming more loving, or to increase the distance by moving further away, or even leaving the relationship. You can do everything you can to keep the relationship together, but you can never make a person stay with you. Staying or going is always a choice every person has. Boundaries are not guarantees of responsibility or concern in another; they can, however, bring reality and clarity, protect you, and show someone the path to change. They can provide a foundation for a recommitted relationship.
Boundaries protect you, even if the outcome is different than you hoped for; because you get the information you need about the character of the other person and the problem you are experiencing. In the case of a broken relationship, if you have kept a journal through the process, you can now revisit those early entries before you set the boundary, and focus on the peace in your life now — without anger and blame. You can grieve the loss of your “dreams” for the relationship, but understand that you are being re-created for a better future.
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