Working with the community... for a healthier community.

New Years Resolutions How Are You Doing So Far?

By Beth Cooper Ingle, CSA® Living by Your Design, Inc.   So, we are a month into the New Year, are you still keeping your New Year’s Resolution?  Did you even make a new Resolution? Many of us make a resolution to be more health-conscious. Every January the gyms are full of people who have […]

Flavorful Snacks Packed With Lean Protein

Living a happier, healthier life often begins in the kitchen. From lunches on the go to sit-down family meals, keeping flavor at the center of your meal planning is key to maintaining healthy habits. Based on Mintel’s 2025 Global Food and Drink Trends, experts predict that sweet, sour, smoky, and spicy flavors will continue to […]

5 Healthy Habits to Help Reduce Stress

Between work, family obligations and a constantly changing world, people in the United States are stressed. In fact, U.S. workers are among the most stressed in the world, according to a State of the Global Workplace study. While some stress is unavoidable and can be good for you, constant or chronic stress can have real […]

Love Thyself The First Step of Healthy Living

By Alexander Germanis   At this time of year, it’s nearly impossible to even go grocery shopping without being assailed by aisles of Valentines, heart-adorned stuffed animals, and Pepto Bismol-pink everything. While the over-emphasis on Valentine’s Day can be nauseating, the purpose of expressing love for another is not an ignoble pursuit. But expelling time, […]

A Weeknight Meal to Munch On

On weeknights, many families rush around trying to prepare for the next day. While these moments can be stressful, the silver lining of the evening is when everyone pauses to enjoy a perfectly cooked family dinner together. From tough homework assignments and soccer practice to getting everyone tucked into bed, the days can seem long, […]

My Mammogram Was ‘Abnormal’

What Do I Do Next? First, Thank Yourself for Getting a Mammogram! Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women in the United States, and a mammogram, which is an x-ray of the breast, is one of the best ways to detect it. Getting mammograms at recommended times, even if you […]

Hormones, Glands & Metabolism

Submitted by Springfield Clinic   Endocrinology is a medical specialty focused on diagnosing and treating disorders related to hormones, glands, and metabolism. Hormones play a vital role in regulating many bodily functions, from growth and energy levels to mood and reproductive health. In our local community, access to specialized endocrinology care can significantly improve the […]

Positive Eating Positive Living

By Alexander Germanis   With every new year comes the omni-expected New Year’s Resolution. It probably comes as no surprise that the most cited resolutions are to lose weight, exercise more, eat better, or some combination or variation of those. In fact, from year to year, these “living healthier” resolutions constitute a full half of […]

What Is Accident Insurance?

Submitted by Pam Deaton, PD Benefits   Accidents happen. And when they do, they’re often followed by a series of bills. Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant plans can only pay for so much. A supplemental accident insurance policy can help with these unforeseen expenses. Supplemental accident insurance is designed to help you handle the out-of-pocket expenses […]

Have No Fear Sedation Dentistry

By Alexander Germanis   Most expected experiences in life can be broken down into three moments: anticipation, the deed itself, and the memory. How we perceive and feel about each moment of the experience can differ drastically one from another. For instance, anticipating a coming holiday can cause excitement and make time appear to drag […]