Bloomington / Normal, IL

Working with the community... for a healthier community.

The Value of Continuing Education for Health Professionals


By Cynthia Halverson, Continuing Education Institute of Illinois

Last month, we discussed the different avenues available for you, as a health care professional, to earn your Continuing Education Units (CEUs). You know that you need them and you know that you learn new strategies, interventions, and information. So, really, what is the value to you?

The obvious is the value of keeping your license current. But the value goes far beyond that. The reason that you are a health care professional is to help others be well and stay well. With the ever-advancing strides in medicine and health care, you need to stay abreast of what is current. Journals, articles, and blogs are good supplemental activities. However, to personally be with a health care professional that will teach you, goes far beyond what you will read. These professionals not only research what they are teaching, but they practice these evidence-based procedures and know the results first hand. You also have the responsibility to help one another practice the best possible care. Meeting together in a classroom environment provides opportunities for cross-disciplinary and cross-generational learning and teaching. You can ask the presenter to address issues that are specific to your individual patient care.

How do you know where to take these programs?  First, you need to do your own research to assure that the company that provides the CEUs is aligned with an accredited institution of higher learning. As it is your moral responsibility to provide safe, high quality care for your patients, you need to be assured that the information you receive at the programs you attend are based on scientific evidence and that no commercial interests are involved.

When considering a company that provides continuing education, review the array of programs that they offer and take note of the presenters and where they practice. It is easy to look at a schedule of programs and find topics that will interest you and apply to your profession. This is an investment of time and money, and you will want to be certain of the quality of the program and the presenter before you make a decision.

Maintaining professional competence is a core responsibility of each health professional, regardless of discipline, specialty or type of practice. It is our hope that the responsibility for lifelong learning be emphasized throughout early formal stages of education in all health professions. Hopefully, the student is taught the attitudes and skills to accomplish continuing education throughout their professional lifetimes. You can help your colleagues by not only sharing what you learn as you continue along your path of continuing education, but by also recommending the company that provides the quality programs that you find most beneficial to you. This will not only help your colleagues, your institution or facility, but also ensure that the company continues to provide you both with quality education in the areas that are most beneficial to your profession.

As an accredited institution of continuing education for health professionals and business professionals alike, the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois looks forward to providing you with quality education for many years to come. You may contact them on their website at or call 773-930-3200 for further information about programs in the Bloomington area.

Alzheimer’s Care Certificate Program will be held on Oct. 29 and Nov. 12; Readmission Prevention: A Toolbox for Successful Transitions will be held on Nov. 14.

Photo credit: asiseeit/iStock