By Becky Powell, MS, RN, AOCN, Community Cancer Center
If you look up the definition of “partner” in the dictionary, it states, “a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor.” Pink Partners™ of the Community Cancer Center is just that. It is an area-wide initiative whose mission is to educate women about breast health, and to raise the mammography rate within our community. Pink Partners™ are:
- Our local mammogram facilities
- Women reminding other women to get a mammogram
- Hospitals and medical providers
- Businesses and organizations
- Churches
- Volunteers
- Many others
Pink Partners™ of the Community Cancer Center was started back in 2009 when community mammogram data revealed that less than 50 percent of eligible women were getting an annual mammogram. It was felt that there was a lot of work to be done to help educate local women about the importance of annual mammograms; but at the same time, this was something that the Cancer Center could not accomplish on its own — so Pink Partners™ was created. For the past six years, volunteers of this initiative have distributed breast health materials throughout the community, conducted educational programs, published informational articles, run billboards, and encouraged women face to face to put their fears aside and get that mammogram.
Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, it is an excellent time to once again remind women to take time for themselves and get a mammogram scheduled. Despite all the confusion and varying screening recommendations that have been published, our stance is that most women need a yearly mammogram starting at age 40. Those with a strong family history of cancer might need to start at a younger age. Women should also see their physician or practitioner to get a yearly clinical breast exam, and perform a monthly breast self-exam to note changes or concerns.
For the last six years, the mammography rate in our community has fluctuated from 46-53 percent, but in 2014, the rate fell below that 50 percent range once again. The rates for African American and Hispanic women are even lower. While our community does not vary much from national data, we know we can do better.
So help our initiative as a Pink Partner™ by reminding your own friends, family members, neighbors, and co-workers to get that annual mammogram starting at age 40 — for mammograms do save lives. After all, we’re all better working together!
There is financial assistance available to help cover the cost of a mammogram for women who have no insurance coverage or cannot meet a high insurance deductible. For further information about available assistance, please contact the Community Cancer Center at 309-451-8500. Be sure to follow them on their Facebook page at Mammograms Save Lives; Pink Partners™ of the Community Cancer Center.
Photo credit: choja/iStock