Submitted by The Group, Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialists, P.C.
Research indicates that 45 million Americans undertake a weight loss diet every year. These millions do so on their own, or by participating in one of thousands of weight loss programs, and they do so despite an oft-cited and nearly universal belief that 95 percent of those who attempt to lose weight will fail. This statistic is based on an outdated and very small study of 100 patients who were given a diet plan but no other intervention. Modern research upholds the idea that weight loss and maintenance is challenging, but the 95 percent failure rate is no longer held to be true.
The very best science available today tells us that although many diets do, indeed, fail us, the recipe for successful, long-term weight loss and maintenance is a comprehensive approach. While the old advice of “Eat Less, Exercise More” may work temporarily, it does not work long term.
Those who are successful at losing and maintaining weight do more than just diet. They make major lifestyle changes that are often precipitated by an “ah-ha moment.” These lifestyle changes address the nutritional and behavioral issues that affect their relationship with food. They make changes to their daily activity level, and they increase their exercise. All of these changes can be done on your own, but most people are more successful when they have the support and guidance of professionals.
There is no consensus among medical experts over the best nutritional approach to weight loss. Experts will argue low carb versus low fat, Mediterranean versus South Beach. Again, the best research we have indicates that the particular diet itself is not the factor that determines success. Any diet that is followed will result in weight loss. There are at least three solid truths about weight loss upon which most experts will agree.
- For weight loss, it is 90 percent what you eat, 10 percent what you do. You simply cannot exercise your way out of a lousy diet. For example, one large chocolate shake can easily, without any add-ins, result in over 1000 calories consumed. To burn that amount of calories running, the average weight person would need to run 10 miles.
- Exercise takes on a much more important role for weight maintenance. Find an exercise that you love, something that will get you out of bed or off the couch most days of the week.
- Behavior change, habit formation, breaking addictions — all of these take time. Changing your relationship with food and with exercise will not happen overnight, not in 21 days or in 12 weeks. It will take many weeks and months of digging new ruts in the road.
Have you had an “ah-ha moment” regarding your weight? Perhaps reaching that number on the scale you never thought you would see, or getting lab results that were frightening? It is time to turn your fear or realization into life-changing motivation. The science behind successful weight loss has come a long way since the 1950s. If you or a loved one needs to get to a healthier place when it comes to weight, explore your options in the community. Look for a comprehensive program that will help you with the difficult process of behavior change, not one that is simply chasing a number on the scale.
Mention this article to attend a free weight management orientation on Wednesdays at 6:30 or call to schedule a consult with Rachel Smith 563-355-1853. The Group looks forward to seeing you at 53rd St. and Eastern Ave. in Davenport! Visit us at