By Greta Nelson RN, Good Samaritan Society – Services@Home
Now that the holidays have come and past, it is pretty safe to say that most of us are feeling a little “stuffed.” Your favorite jeans might have started feeling a bit snug, or maybe you are noticing that the rolls from the dinner table have made it around your midline? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The epic post-holiday weight loss dash, which many people pursue around the New Year, can either encourage a healthy lifestyle change for the better, or be detrimental to your health. We have all heard the phrase, “The best way to lose weight is diet and exercise.” So many of us cringe at the word “diet,” but what this word really means is simply just watch what you eat. Many people look for a quick fix, crash dieting, or finding the quick and easy way to shed pounds fast. I’m here to tell you this; don’t bother spending money on diet pills or expensive weight loss programs. Instead invest in yourself and your health. Here are some tips for jump-starting a journey to a healthier you.
First of all, it is always a good idea to talk to your physician before starting any dramatic lifestyle changes, and it’s a good time to ask some questions if you need help getting pointed in the right direction. Most health clubs run specials this time of year, including discounted membership dues, no enrollment fees, or a free consultation with a personal trainer or wellness coach. Remember the beginning of the article where I said you’re not alone? Talk to some friends, family, or co-workers; see if they’d be interested in starting up their weight loss goals with you. You are much more likely to succeed and stay motivated if you have someone working toward similar goals. Plan your meals and snacks out before you go to the grocery store. The average adult requires only 1,500-2,500 calories per day, make them count! Spread them out throughout the day. Set yourself up for success by starting with small changes. I’m not here to tell you to give up your morning latte or late night bowl of ice cream, but you can opt for skim milk, skip the extra sugar, and maybe try frozen yogurt, or cut your portion in half. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Drinking approximately eight (8oz) glasses of water is essential for your well-being. Don’t like drinking plain water? Try adding a fresh lemon or cucumber slice. Keep in mind, weight loss won’t happen overnight: set small goals, plan ahead, and get plenty of rest. You can do it!
Good Samaritan Society – Services@Home provides care such as housekeeping, medication reminders, preparing meals, grocery shopping, and assisting with other cares to assist people to remain independent at home. To learn more about Good Samaritan Society – Services@Home, please call 563-359-4444 or visit our website at
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