Quad Cities, IL/IA

Working with the community... for a healthier community.

Bringing the Garden With You


Submitted by Friendship Manor


Gardening is a wonderfully relaxing and mood-boosting activity—and is one of the things residents miss most when moving into a retirement community. Although mowing and more strenuous tasks are happily given up, the actual process and activity of gardening itself is missed.

According to Sally Hasket, a horticulturist with the University of North Carolina Botanical Center, “Working with plants provides emotional, physical, cognitive, and even spiritual benefits.” As we age, some of us struggle to physically care for ourselves and others, but plants offer an easy and low-demand item to focus on.

Even if you live in the smaller space of a condo or apartment, there are simple ways to incorporate your love of gardening indoors (or to a small patio or terrace). Below are a few low-maintenance plants that work well in these settings.

With Mother’s Day around the corner, now is the perfect time to pick up one of these easy, breezy beauties!


  • Cast Iron Plant: Known to be “indestructible,” likes lower light conditions, so may be perfect for rooms with North-facing windows.
  • Peace Lily: These popular plants produce a lovely and interesting flower, are easy to care for and survive well in low-light settings.
  • ZZ Plant: Have a tropical look to them, like bright and indirect light, and tolerate time in between waterings.
  • Wax Begonias: These cheery flowers liven up a living space and would do well with indirect light through a window.


Small potted herbs are another great choice for a windowsill that can be added to meals or drinks! Check with your local nurseries for more options and advice on great houseplants. If you have pets that may be curious about your plants, ensure you have non-toxic varieties in case they’re ingested.


              Do you have questions about retirement living? Call the experts at Friendship Manor at (309) 786-9667.