Bloomington / Normal, IL

Working with the community... for a healthier community.

5 Unhealthy Habits and How to Break Them!


By Erin Kennedy, Director, and Kim McClintic, Registered Dietician, Center for Healthy Lifestyles at OSF St. Joseph Medical Center

The start of a new year is a perfect opportunity to make a resolution to break all of our unhealthy habits in the workplace. But with all of the stress and demands between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., how could you not drink several lattes or pass on those birthday cupcakes in the break room?

Working with local businesses and helping them develop wellness programs for their employees has opened our eyes to many different unhealthy habits while at work. Let’s discuss the five most common unhealthy behaviors in the workplace, and how to break them!

Break Room Blues
Chances are your co-workers are constantly stocking the break room with sweet treats leftover from the weekend’s festivities, or they’re testing out a new dip recipe chock-full of calories.

Remember the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind?” Avoid unnecessary trips to the break room, and don’t keep treats at your desk. If you do indulge, practice portion control, and take the smallest piece possible just to get a taste.

It is also helpful to bring a healthy snack from home. When your co-worker asks how you enjoyed her new Ooey-Gooey Double Chocolate Pudding Cake with Caramel Drizzle, prepare yourself with an appropriate response: “I would love to eat your treats, but I already brought some snacks for the day.” Your co-worker will understand, and your waistline will thank you.

Sack Lunch Snafus
You have the best of intentions when it comes to packing a healthy lunch. But you are probably bored with packing the same old lunch every day.

Solution? Think variety, not volume. There are lots of options when it comes to packing a quick, healthy lunch that keeps your taste buds on their toes.

  • Fresh fruit or fruit canned in light syrup or water is easy to pack and is relatively inexpensive.
  • Cut up raw veggies Sunday night and separate them into baggies to last you the whole week.
  • Load your sandwich with extra lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, and onions to change up the flavor and keep you fuller, longer.
  • Lean cuts of meat like chicken, turkey, and ham are the healthiest options for a sandwich or to top a salad.
  • Low-fat dairy like yogurts, string cheese, and cottage cheese is a great source of protein to help you get through the long workday.
  • Use spicy mustard, salsa, ketchup, or barbecue sauce instead of mayo or ranch on a sandwich.
  • Pack your lunch the night before. This saves you time in the morning — and we all know we need every minute we can get!

Restaurant Wars
Going out to eat for lunch is a great way to get out of the office and de-stress in the middle of the workday. However, it can be difficult making healthy choices when the menu is full of items like mouth-watering burgers and deep dish macaroni and cheese. Here are some tips:

  • Look online and check out the nutrition facts before you leave for lunch.
  • Be the first to order so you’re not swayed to order less healthy fare.
  • Ask for all dressings, sauces, and gravies on the side, so you control what you use.
  • Commit to eating half and taking half home, or split a meal with a co-worker.
  • Be the last person to finish eating. Eating slowly while savoring the flavors will fill you up more quickly so you eat less.
  • Engage in conversation – it’s calorie free!

Desk Chair Dangers
Seventy percent of people spend six or more hours sitting per day. Research shows prolonged sitting, over time, increases the risk for high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, slow blood circulation, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and low back pain. So, get up and move!

Add two 15-minute breaks on your calendar, change into your walking shoes, and go for a stroll. Putting it on your calendar will force you to take a much needed break. Or try a “walking meeting” instead of meeting around a table.

Still can’t get yourself to leave your desk? Try stretching at your workstation, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. And hopefully, you at least take bathroom breaks throughout the day, so try going to the bathroom on another floor or on the other side of the building.

The Caffeine Addict
Drinking coffee, energy drinks, and soda may not seem like a bad habit (you have to stay awake somehow, right?), but consuming sugary, caffeinated drinks packed with calories all day can be bad for your health.

Instead of reaching for that super-charged energy drink, quench your thirst with water first. Try it with a lemon, lime, or orange wedge to add some flavor. That little citrus will boost your mood without all of the sugar and caffeine. You can also go for a quick walk instead of grabbing a sugary drink. Walking will help release endorphins, which will help ward off your yawns.

Instead of focusing only on your work for 40+ hours per week, take some time to focus on you and your well-being. With just a few adjustments each day, you can break some bad habits and be healthier at work.

The Center for Healthy Lifestyles is committed to corporate wellness by working in partnership with the business community to offer quality health services and programs. For more information on the Center for Healthy Lifestyles, or to obtain a class brochure, please call 309-661-5151 or visit

Photo credit: kzenon/iStock